Rigorous Training Program

Radio Procedures

One of the prime skills security officers must have is communication skills. As radio communications make quick communication easy and efficient for the security team to deliver alert messages in hazardous situations. To ensure that our officers have accurate radio transmissions, great America security provides them with the course.

Conflict Management

To maintain security and protection of the designated area, officers must have the ability to perceive and tackle any kind of conflict. Therefore conflict management courses are organized to let our officers learn how to detect and handle hazardous situations. It helps them to identify activities or behavior that may result in severe situations

High Image Standards

We make sure that security officers present themself well to the employees and visitors that are invited by our clients and maintain a well professional image. Great American security knows directly the behaviors and attitudes of our officers' throw back on our clients.

Proper Report Writing

Security officers must be aware of writing whole documentation of all the activities that happen at the client's post. They are trained to report the number of incidents as per their categories; it is documented in daily activity reports(DAR). This kind of record may also be used to detect the situation in a designated area and then predict the upcoming hazardous situation. Along with report writing, administrative practice and document predation and submission are also included in this course.

Jurisdiction & Limitations

As the purviews and responsibilities of the security officer are substantial, so there are the limitations that are granted to them regarding jurisdiction. Our security officers don't have the authority to arrest. They are reinforced by great American security that they must detect, monitor, report, and handle hazardous situations. As we want our clients to be prevented from lawsuits and embarrassment.

Equal Employment Opportunity

During recruitment, selection, and promotion, we disregard all the personnel actions i.e person's physical disability, color, religion, sex, race, national origin, and age. The selection is done based on our criteria and requirements. Great America security strictly follows the laws, orders, and regulations regarding non-partisan employment.

Recruitment Sources

Different resources are used to hire personnel. Our main concerns are educational institutes. We join many community groups either public or private to encourage recruitment as officers. Along with this, we utilize the job fair, military facilities, and various agencies for the recruitment of new officers.